A programme for positive change

Our overarching programme is aimed at 11 to 18year olds and is possible due to the funding from the Greggs Foundation (opens new tab).

There are two group elements across this programme, SHE CAN which is aimed at girls, and HE CAN for boys. The programme is open to young people aged 11-18 regardless of their ability, or whether they participate in sport or not. There will be a physical element incorporated across the lifecycle of the programme to ensure we increase opportunities to connect physical and emotional health in a safe and supportive environment.


We will focus on disadvantaged and vulnerable young people with the aim to help them access a safe place where they can learn new skills, socialise with peers, and improve physical and mental wellbeing.


Both group elements will follow the following key ‘Themes’ to help us achieve our aims and ensure we maximise participation through success.

  • Self-Esteem
  • Resilience
  • Confidence
  • Relationships
  • Aspirations
  • Reflection  

The themes will be underpinned with a variety of practical workshops, activities, and discussions based around the following topics. Alongside the workshops, certain modules shall be age and gender specific workshops will also be included.

  • Healthy eating, nutrition, cooking ​
  • Cyber-bulling sessions, internet safety​
  • Healthy Relationships, Sexual Health​
  • Inter-generational project​
  • Night-time safety
  • Self defence


Following an initial free taster event, we will operate cohorts over an 10week period.

Delivery will be through our skilled staff, external agencies and enhanced through training workshops for those interested in offering peer-2peer support for future participants on the project.

The sessions are held at the John Willie Sams Centre, Dudley, North Tyneside, where each cohort will access all activities for free thanks to funding from the Greggs Foundation.

Quadrant Leisure is working with activity providers alongside our own Pretendy Chef programme and other community organisations to offer a range of activities that girls are most likely to engage with.

Why do this?

This is in response to the cost-of-living crisis which has seen the rise in poor mental health amongst many young people, as well as the challenges they face at school, and across the community. We also aim to address young people’s relationship with physical activity and increase their activity levels, to improve their potential for long-term health.

How to get involved

An initial FREE taster event will be open to any young person aged 11-18yrs of age, each group element will have their own taster event, for which you can register for a place HERE or simply turn up on the day. Information on how to sign up to the appropriate 10week project will be distributed at the taster event. 

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